Whats our story..
We are a working couple in our mid forties, living in Chicago but chasing the financial independence and travel dream while juggling full time jobs and two teenage girls. Yes ! in a couple of years we do plan to jettison the corporate gig and travel the world at our own pace. Till such time we will still manage to travel at least three times a year including overseas travels.
In this blog you will find details on how we manage this and hopefully will inspire you to chase your dreams without waiting for retirement or having a million dollars in the bank. Sure, a large financial cushion would be nice, but then like most folks we have not got an inheritance from a long lost uncle or have won the lotto. So, for now we have to do the research and save some money and then save some more. We leverage on travel reward points and save thousand of dollars in free flights and hotels and we will share the details in these pages.
You will also read tips on saving and commonsense investing and building your net worth and planning for your financial independence.
Happy Travels. Happy Meandering.
Ranjan Abraham